Wandering Winds

& Soulseeker Healing

Fell’s Point & The Death of an American Poet

Among the many reasons to visit Baltimore, one of the specific draws to the area for me, other than the rich history and culture, is the literary significance it holds amongst Early American authors. Edgar Allen Poe, known for the mysterious and macabre short stories and poems he penned during early 19th century, though born on Boston, Massachusetts, adopted the Maryland town of Baltimore as his own in his early adult years. Taking residence in...

A Mount Joy Gem, Lancaster County, PA

The historic region known as Lancaster County Pennsylvania is home to an almost never ending stream of interesting landmarks, cultural attractions, historical sites and tourist destinations. With its rich native history and dutch settlments, the tapestry known as Amish Country is as colorful and interesting as the quilts they're known for. One interesting gem located at the corner of North Market and Frank Street in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania...